Hello and welcome to my blog! I'm Ruka, I live in Tokyo, and I'm a 20-something bangya. I decided to start this blog because it's been almost 2 years since I moved to Tokyo and I feel like documenting my journey here. I've been to lots of lives so far, with many more to come! It feels like if I don't write my thoughts down somewhere, they'll disappear into the void, never to be found again... This is somewhat of an ambitious project for me as I am a project-starter, not a project-finisher (I have enough trouble posting on my personal instagram after my lives as it is. Will I even blog about the lives I go to? Who knows!) But enough about me, here are the bands I like/go to see regularly! (In no particular order) deadman SID DEZERT kein Amai Bouryoku Xaa-xaa Kizu lynch. gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy Jakigan Meister Luna Sea L'Arc-en-Ciel(not v-kei, but it's complicated) And these are the fanclubs that I am in: deadman - FUZ SID - ID-S DEZERT - Himawari-kai Kizu ...