[2024.09.21] Sadie x lynch. x Kizu "The United Killers" @ Japan Pavilion Hall A
Talk about an interesting lineup!
It was my first time going to Japan Pavilion Hall. Honestly, when they first announced it, we were like "where tf is that???"
Turns out it's in Tokorozawa in Saitama, and it's a large, futuristic building in the middle of some Saitama-esque suburbs.
First thing we did when we got there was hit up the merch tables. I got a rubber band from Sadie (1000yen) and my spouse got himself a rubber band (also 1000yen) and an early copy of the Sadie Revival Blu-Ray (11,000yen).
I may be biased, but I liked Hazuki's voice the best during Meisai. I think he had the most depth. Or maybe I just prefer vocalists with deeper voices.After Meisai, we slowly inched out of the venue. I wanted to get myself one of those free Kizu uchiwa fans, but they were all out, so I just grabbed the free postcard(s). Didn't buy anything from Kizu since the line was too long. But since I enjoyed lynch.'s set the most, I decided to buy myself something from their practically empty merch table.
I got these silicone cable ties(1800yen?). I'd been looking to buy some anyway, so this was perfect.
It was my first time going to Japan Pavilion Hall. Honestly, when they first announced it, we were like "where tf is that???"
Turns out it's in Tokorozawa in Saitama, and it's a large, futuristic building in the middle of some Saitama-esque suburbs.
I looked at Kizu's merch table, but it was closed and the merch lady was nowhere to be found. They were giving out uchiwa fans to commemorate the Budokan live and I wanted one, but no luck. (By the way, they had Kyonosu x galfy cheki that were 3000 yen a pop, which i thought was ridiculous. Good thing I'm not a kyonosu gya, nor do i buy Kizu cheki anyway.)
Lynch.'s merch table was pretty empty save for some regulars talking to the merch guy. They only had old merch - probably all stuff that they couldn't sell in past tours.
There were no event-exclusive merch items, which is kinda strange since i'm pretty sure they could've sold a bunch of them. The 1800-capacity live was sold out.
We still had some time to kill, so we hung out around the venue. There was a (frankly terrifying) dude in a magician's costume with scrubbing brush "crocodiles" on his back and two scrubbing brush "turtles" on strings, which he dragged on the floor. He honestly gave me psycho vibes. Anyway, it turns out that this man has a twitter account (he's called たわしおじさん- tawashi ojisan, which means scrubbing brush ojisan) and he's apparently a Tokorozawa "public figure". Oh Saitama, never change.
It was soon time to enter, and we had pretty good tickets at around 180. When we got in, we found the shimote side still pretty empty, so we got settled in the 3rd row in front of the first barrier, right in front of the shimote mic and pretty close to the speaker.
First up was Kizu in their latest costumes. As expected, they opened up with Oni. It was okay. Lime's voice wasn't at his best so they (understandably) turned down the mic volume a little. Juusei and Heisei were bangers, as usual. I would've liked a more headbang-heavy setlist, but no biggie.
Next up was lynch. Some of the front row girls moved away, and I slipped into second row. Yay!
Now, I love Hazuki. I think his voice is amazing. Here, his mic was noticeably louder than Lime's, and it was great. I found the setlist amazing (because I remembered all the furi). Hazuki said they picked the set list based on their older songs from when Sadie was still around.
The furi for EVILLY is, um... strange. I first heard this song live at the Shadows-only live they played at O-East last year and the furi honestly had me like 😳 for about 30 seconds. It reminds me of a certain not-good salute. So when this happens, I always just fist pump normally and ignore everyone else. I wonder what the other foreign gya do? Do they just go with the flow?
Anyway, I absolutely love "I'm sick, b'cuz luv u." Really happy they played it.
After that was Invader, one of lynch.'s classic sex songs. (There are quite a few of them, lol.)
When Invader ended, Hazuki said something along the lines of,
"We just played a sex song, but the next song is also going to be a sex song! I'm sorry! This is what lynch. is like! I hope you don't think we're too disgusting, Kizu fans!"
And that's how Pulse started.
During Pulse, Reo came over to the shimote side and like, stood behind Akinori for a bit, playing his bass from behind like that pottery scene from the movie Ghost. It was honestly pretty hot. The ladies in front of me went WILD.
After lynch. ended, we decided to move away from the second and third rows because it was our first time seeing Sadie and we didn't know the furi. So we moved over to area in front of the second barrier and offered two Sadie fans our spots. This turned out to be a good and bad thing.
First, the fans who took our spots were um, very dramatic headbangers. Which is fine, that's what v-kei is, lol. Second, Sadie has a song where people dive for the front, and the two Sadie fans were brutal out there, so if they had been behind us, we would've been crushed. I don't really like diving for the front, especially during lives with lots of older male fans. Just a personal preference. And my spouse doesn't like touching strangers, so we just did diving motions in front of the second barrier.
This would've been fine in any other situation, but woman behind the second barrier who was directly behind us rammed into us several times, lol. I caught a few fists during the main portion of the Sadie performance, and then during the diving part she headbutted me like, a lot. Even when I moved closer to the front, she still managed to headbutt me. It honestly felt deliberate.
It wasn't like I could move any further away from her (the people doing the dive would be returning to their original spots, anyway) so I don't know what she expected me to do, lol. Don't do saizen stuff if you're not saizen. But whatever, it's fine.
At the end, Hazuki and Lime came out to do a session of Sadie's Meisai. They bantered a bit, with Mao making fun of Lime's height and Mizuki saying that Mao wasn't that tall himself. It was pretty funny.
It kind of went like this:
Mao: So, I was talking to Hacchan (Hazuki) about how it's been a long time, and we're all adults now...Literally everyone in the room: Hacchan?!
Mao: Wait, you guys (the audience) all call him Hacchan, right?
Hazuki: Um, actually, everyone calls me Hazuki-san.
Mao: Whoa, you've grown up...
Hazuki: Honestly, Sadie are the only ones who call me Hacchan.
Mao: I see...
Mao (to Lime): And you? What do they call you, Lime-kun?
Lime: Well--
Mao: They call you "chibi", right? I bet they call you "chibi"!
Lime: (Laughs) no, actually--
Mizuki: Hey, you're "chibi" too! You're one to talk!
Mao: Yeah, but I'm taller than *him*!
I may be biased, but I liked Hazuki's voice the best during Meisai. I think he had the most depth. Or maybe I just prefer vocalists with deeper voices.After Meisai, we slowly inched out of the venue. I wanted to get myself one of those free Kizu uchiwa fans, but they were all out, so I just grabbed the free postcard(s). Didn't buy anything from Kizu since the line was too long. But since I enjoyed lynch.'s set the most, I decided to buy myself something from their practically empty merch table.
I got these silicone cable ties(1800yen?). I'd been looking to buy some anyway, so this was perfect.
On the way out, I also caught a quick photo of the light-up torii gate display near the venue, which looked pretty cool:
All in all, it was a great day, and well worth the price of my ticket.
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