[2024.09.04] lynch. THE FIERCE BLAZE Tour Final @ Tokyo Dome City Hall

 I figured I'd start from the beginning of the month, since I still remember everything pretty clearly.

The first live I went to in September was lynch.'s The Fierce Blaze tour final.

I previously went to their July show at Shinjuku Blaze (also part of this same tour), so the setlist was pretty similar to what I'd already heard.

The weather was pretty sunny and hot. It was also my first time going to the Tokyo Dome area.

We lined up for merch and I got a little foldable mirror and a silicone band.

Here's the costs breakdown:
  • Tickets: 8000yen base + around 600yen service/convenience store fees
  • Transportation: around 1000yen
  • Drink fee: 500yen
  • Merch: 600yen for the band + 800yen for the mirror
Total: 11,500yen

And as always, fanclub ticket holders get a photo ticket as a souvenir. Not a big fan of the design (it makes everyone look like they have some kind of skin disease) but I wish more bands did this.

Since my number for the Shinjuku Blaze show was pretty bad even though it was a fanclub ticket, I was pretty excited for this TDCH show--it was seated, AND I had the third row! The person who was supposed to sit on my left didn't show up, so I had the corner/aisle to myself, making it REALLY easy to headbang. The one downside was that my seat was directly in front of the left speaker, so I couldn't hear Reo's guitar at all.

All in all, I had a really good time! I remembered most of the furi from the Blaze show, and I was basically able to keep up + the extra space was amazing.

I had a pretty good view of the stage, but the best part was after Eureka, when the band threw their picks and stuff into the crowd at the end of the 1st encore.

I'd been staring at Yusuke the whole night, so I really wanted to get his pick, but also, realistically, I thought it wasn't going to happen. What are the chances, right? 

Anyway, he threw a pick at some dudes in my row (those guys did the "X" arm sign somewhere during the show and Yusuke did the same, so it was kinda expected) and then he turned over to my area.

Now, I'm not a HUGE fan of Yusuke (my spouse is, though) but I raised my arms to catch his attention anyway, we made eye contact, and he yeeted it right at me.

The pick bounces off my shirt and flies somewhere. The pick's black, the floor is black, and I'm like, shitshitshit where did it go because the ladies behind me are looking for it too. I search the area behind me, and it's not there, but then one of the ladies points at the area in front of my seat and says it flew over there.


Turns out it was right in front of my seat the whole time. As expected of a man who's been yeeting picks for 20 odd years--his aim is stellar.

Anyway, even though I'm pretty sure that he threw it at ME, the official story between me and my spouse is that he threw it at US. My spouse loves Yusuke, and I love my spouse, so I'll let him have this one. (Poor spouse has been going to lynch. since 2017/18 and this is his first ever pick from lynch.) But I (and now you) know the truth!

So here is Yusuke's pick in all its glory:

This is actually the third pick I've ever gotten at a live (the others happened this year as well, but those are stories for another time), but the first time I've ever gotten a pick thrown at me AND got it successfully.

Damn, if only middle school me could see me now! She'd be so proud.

Until next time!


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