Costs Spreadsheet
Tokyo V-Kei Diaries Costs Spreadsheet
Welcome to the Tokyo V-Kei Diaries Costs Spreadsheet!
Some ground rules:
- This is not meant to reflect the spending of the average bangya in Tokyo. Many gya spend a lot more, and some spend a lot less.
- I like going to a wide variety of lives, but I don't go to photo sessions. I only buy merch/media if I REALLY like the items/need the physical copies. I don't usually buy cheki. I don't prioritize meet&greet events. The costs reflect that.
- I have a Y/N column for fanclub membership. Fanclub membership allows me to get better tickets in general, but each fanclub membership is an extra 5000yen a year or thereabouts.
- I have an Apple Music subscription, so I don't buy a lot of media. I also try to buy second hand on mercari if I can.
- I have a spouse who is also into visual kei (a gya-o, if you prefer) and we help each other out when it comes to tickets. Sometimes he gets the tickets for both of us if he has the fanclub membership/extra funds, sometimes I get them, and we split hotel costs if we're going out of Tokyo.
- Also, some of the merch/media pictured in my blog posts are his purchases, so those will not be counted in my spreadsheet. The ticket fees will be included in the spreadsheet regardless of who purchased the tickets, though.
- I will update this spreadsheet when I have time or when I remember what I spent for past lives. The blog posts will take more time, though!
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