Intro post!
Hello and welcome to my blog!
I'm Ruka, I live in Tokyo, and I'm a 20-something bangya.
I decided to start this blog because it's been almost 2 years since I moved to Tokyo and I feel like documenting my journey here.
I've been to lots of lives so far, with many more to come! It feels like if I don't write my thoughts down somewhere, they'll disappear into the void, never to be found again...
This is somewhat of an ambitious project for me as I am a project-starter, not a project-finisher (I have enough trouble posting on my personal instagram after my lives as it is. Will I even blog about the lives I go to? Who knows!)
But enough about me, here are the bands I like/go to see regularly!
(In no particular order)
- deadman
- kein
- Amai Bouryoku
- Xaa-xaa
- Kizu
- lynch.
- gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy
- Jakigan Meister
- Luna Sea
- L'Arc-en-Ciel(not v-kei, but it's complicated)
And these are the fanclubs that I am in:
- deadman - FUZ
- SID - ID-S
- DEZERT - Himawari-kai
- Kizu - Lime's Blog
- L'Arc-en-Ciel - Digital Le-Ciel
Unlike most bangya, I don't really have a main honmei band that I will go completely insane for. I don't buy cheki (except deadman cheki), I don't really obsess over the bandmen, and I have other non-music interests outside of v-kei.
I'm also *ahem* married to a wonderful gya-o. (Wow, that is a painfully cringey sentence to type.)
We go to lots of lives together, and he happens to be in a bunch of other fanclubs, which I will not list here because I can't remember them all. We're not into the exact same list of bands, so I often end up going to see the bands that he likes, even though I'm not too knowledgeable about them.
When I'm not going to v-kei lives, I like to draw, sew, cook, and doomscroll. (I need to work on that last one.) I also have to work, but I don't *like* doing that. I will be posting about my other interests on here, though.
Another thing I'd like to do with this blog is that I'd like to get back into translating song lyrics. I used to have a blog where I uploaded translations of a certain band's song lyrics, but I lost interest in the band and my life got too busy. Anyway, there are only so many hours in a day, so I don't expect to be working on any translations anytime soon.
I still haven't decided if I want to link this blog to a twitter or instagram account, though--I don't like using twitter that much, and I don't know what I'd put on a public instagram account. But I do want people to read my blog! I miss the old LJ days when people just joined communities and had friends-only blogs.
And one last thing - I'm going to document all the costs of being a bangya here in Tokyo! I'll put up a Google Sheet or something and list out how much money I spend on each live, or whatever music stuff I end up buying. I already do this as part of my household budget, but it'll be an interesting project nonetheless!
Until next time!
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