[2024.10.09] HYDE [INSIDE] Popup Store @ Universal Music Store Harajuku

 This was Hyde's popup commemorating his new album. Not much to talk about here, so let's look at some pics!

The first thing we saw when we entered the place was this giant Gloomy Bear display. The popup is a collab with Gloomy Bear, so there's Gloomy Bear x Hyde merch that can only be purchased here.

They also had Hyde's costumes out on display.

They also had a few of these photo spots on display throughout the first floor. This one was my favorite. 

And a signed commemorative record!

They also had these little QR codes hidden everywhere that we could scan to get a Hyde pic. (This QR code still works at the time of writing, btw.)

The second floor was the merch floor. 

They had popup-exclusive merch, a selection of T-shirts, a selection from the clothing brand SWITCHBLADE (which is pretty pricey, by the way), some specially packaged cans of some type of soda, and a row of gacha machines that spat out Hyde x Gloomy Bear keychains.

Here's the sample display they had out:

We ended up getting one can. The can labels aren't random, which is great, and they're also peel-off stickers, which is even better!

We also got this clock because we didn't have a clock in our house yet.

We also got these exclusive wristbands. I even got a random pin!
And here's the keychain I got from the gacha machine.

We ended up using the wristbands at the live at the end of the month. More about that later!


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