[2024.10.10] JAKIGAN MEISTER "THE_______ LIVE" @ Shibuya WWWX


Another day, another live. This one has been a long time coming - remember my post about the instore event? Well, I ended up going to the tour final at Shibuya WWWX!

I got there early to look at merch. My spouse wanted an acrylic stand and a pick keychain, and I was going to get a set for myself, but they only took cash, so I didn't have enough on hand. I also didn't feel like walking the 4 flights of steps an additional time, so that was it. I got 2 pick keychains instead. (Acrylic stand not pictured.)

Look at how cute they are! There were a few designs based on the songs in the EP. I'm glad I didn't get any doubles!

Okay, this was a lot of fun. Sakito sounded really good.

THE_____ was pretty fun live, and the "What the mother, what the fuck" bit was really cute. (It's actually "what's the matter, what the fuck", but the first one is how Sakito sings it.)

At one point the keyboardist Tooru-san came to the front of the stage, got on his knees to do something, then pulled a muscle in his back and hobbled back to the keyboard. It was hilarious and Sakito was howling with laughter.

I didn't remember a lot of the furi (it was only my second ever Jakigan live) but I still had a great time.

Then it was time for Ganesa. The sitar looked really cool, and it was such an artsy performance. I loved it!

Then they played a few more songs and did a short MC. The drummer said he was super confused when he first saw the music for Ganesa. Sakito asked us if we had a hard time moving along to the song, and then he (with a smirk) explained that it was special.

He explained that music is usually written in 3/4 or 4/4 beat, but Ganesa had 3/4, 6/4, 7/4 beats in rotation. Honestly I didn't really understand what he meant, and I'm pretty sure the other gya were just as confused.
(Normally, when a bandman explains or says something, the bangya will all go "Heeeh" in unison to indicate that they understand, but everyone was silent. It was actually kind of funny.)

When they came back for the encore, Sakito was chugging a can of Hyoketsu chu-hai. He offered Ni~ya some, who refused because he said he can't handle Hyoketsu. Sakito ended up downing the whole thing during their 20 minute long MC. It was so long...

I was totally not expecting them to play Stargazer, my favorite Jakigan song.

Okay, warning: The text ahead is complete delulu territory. I'm 100% aware that Sakito doesn't know who I am and 100% sure that he wasn't talking to ME, specifically. But I am a bangya and sometimes we are delulu.

Sakito is pretty well-known for being a guy who remembers his fans. And since I look... quite distinct, I'm 50% sure that he kind of remembers me by sight.

Remember the instore event? Well, I'm sure I made an impression by bringing the bottle. They're pretty rare, after all. I also wrote him a letter telling him about my love for the song Stargazer, and how it was special to me and my spouse because we were separated during covid and the lyrics really spoke to us. (Fun fact: "Stargazer" is engraved on our wedding rings.) In the letter, I thanked Sakito for writing such an incredibly touching song, included a photo of my wedding rings, and a photo of me with the bottle for funsies. (I wanted to prove that I actually did get the bottle myself.) I also wrote that I would be going to the WWWX live by myself.

Okay, so if he did read the letter, he'd probably recognize my silly little mug.

Anyway, throughout the live I could see him watching the crowd as he normally does. Probably searching for the fans that he remembers - I'm sure there are tons of them. I was way in the back, in a corner, but I'm sure he could still see me. (The makeup I usually wear for lives happens to stand out.) He looked in my direction a few times, but I thought nothing of it.

Well, halfway during the encore, Sakito started to talk again, and he spoke about his motivation for writing music. He said that he hoped that his music would make a positive impact, any positive impact, on our lives, no matter how small, and he sounded a little choked-up for some reason.

Then he started singing the first line to Stargazer.

My heart basically fell to the floor. I couldn't believe it. The song was beautiful, and I cried. Several other people cried, too.

Then when the song ended, he yeeted his pick into my corner. It actually went a little further, but still, my corner, and it landed like two spaces to my right. I want to think he was aiming for me (yes, delulu) since he REALLY flung it into the crowd. (He could've been aiming for the gya next to me, but still, let me dream, dammit!)

For a moment I wondered if I should stay for the handshake event afterwards, but decided against it. I was pretty dang satisfied already. I was about to leave when...

"You guys are really fuckin' noisy, huh?"

Surprise double encore! Yay! And THE headbang song, too!

I was about to leave in tears, but I ended up leaving on a happy note. Thank you, Sakito. I'll see you at the next Jakigan live. (Or maybe the Awakening Circus final, if my budget allows.)


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