[2024.09.29] Amai Bouryoku x Kizu ITAMIDOME @ The Garden Hall

Another day, another taiban. This time it was Amai Bouryoku (Amabou) vs Kizu.
I've been going to Kizu semi-regularly for around 2 years, and I've seen Amabou twice so far, and really liked what I saw. The furi is fun, the skits are funny, and Saki is super hot.

Anyway I was on the fence about going because I was going through some personal stuff and also because I had a pretty bad ticket lol. Like 1000/1500 bad. But I decided to go after all since it was sold out... and I'm pretty glad that I did.

I arrived late to the venue so I couldn't get myself any merch.

Entry was a mess because there were so many people, and by the time we were at the 1000 mark the numbers didn't even matter anymore.

I got in the hall and it wasn't too bad. I could see the stage all right since it was pretty high up.

Amabou was first. I did practice the furi for Boudou, but everything else was pretty easy to do.

When Saki started Kamiato (at least I think it was Kamiato) he stood on the platform, held his mic up, and sang with his back arched backwards. He looked incredible. I literally couldn't take my eyes off him.

A few more songs and then it was time for their little skit. Saki played the tsukkomi (straight man) and Kei was the boke (fool?)

The skit was basically - Saki finds a dead body, Kei (Detective Aman) comes in to find the murderer, he says the Conan catchphrase along with the audience. They crack a few jokes at Kizu's expense (including one about Lime being short) and the murderer turns out to be Kyonosuke framing Kei or Kei framing Kyonosuke, I can't remember which. Basically the joke is that Kyonosuke and Kei are the same "cutesy" drummer character and there can only be ONE.

Then Saki gave an MC right before the final song that really resonated with me. There was one line about self-harm that made me tear up, and it all sounded so genuine and real. That was when I decided I would be going to Amabou at least semi-regularly from now on.

Once Amabou was over, about half the crowd rushed out to the merch area, presumably to buy the day's cheki. I managed to advance halfway through the venue, putting me at a much better position than before.

Now onto Kizu. Well I had a ton of fun, which was surprising considering the last Kizu live I went to - the BugSummit one left a bad taste in my mouth. I guess I like Kizu a lot more when they don't have AI going haywire in the background, lol.

Unfortunately I was unable to find a setlist for this live. I even caved and made a Spotify account because I thought the official Kizu account had made a playlist - but the link was broken. 

And since I'm writing this a whole month after the live happened, I can't remember the details, but I had a blast headbanging, and they played Elise, which I was NOT expecting at all. I've only ever heard Elise played live once, and that was at their Christmas members-only live in 2023. The moshing was incredibly fun. (I would call Elise a rare song. They had a members-only live in June 2023 that was titled Elise, but that was before I had a membership/considered getting a membership. Iirc it was their first-ever member's only gig.)

When Kizu ended, people were chanting for the encore and I decided that I'd go out to get merch instead. I wanted a T-shirt. To my surprise, there were a good 50-60 people already waiting in line, and the tables weren't even open yet. (There was also a woman squatting on the floor with 6 open cans of Hyoketsu chu-hai, which was funny. Ma'am was there to get fucked up.)

I didn't think anything special would happen for the encore because no one was talking about it on twitter after the Osaka live... but after it started, I could hear Saki's voice...

Aw, shit. Do I run back into the hall or keep on waiting for merch?

Okay, I'll keep waiting. It's probably only one song, and I can hear it pretty clearly from here. I'll just pretend I'm in the hall behind some tall people and can't see anything...

The live finally ended and the merch line started moving. I was about 40th in line after some people left to run back to the hall. I wait for about 5-8 minutes... and then I saw the sign. 

The event T-shirt was sold out aaaaaaaaaaaa

So I just wasted my time in line for nothing aaaaaaaaaa

So I missed the encore for nothing aaaaaaaaaaa

I stepped out of line and went home, but not before grabbing an Amabou and Kizu flyer on my way out. Plus some flyers from random bandmen who were there to promote their bands.

I am never, ever, leaving a live early to buy merch again.


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